Oct. 15, 2023
Celebrate VBC! As of after this message preached 10.15.23, Woody was indeed called by the congregation of VBC to come as our full-time, interim pastor. Here is his bio:
Dr. D.M. "Woody" Woodward
Woody Woodward was born December 9, 1952, on Lackland Air Force base & grew up in Houston, TX. He believed in Jesus for eternal life in Vacation Bible School at age 11 in a Southern Baptist Church. After graduating pre-med from UT Austin, he joined the staff of Campus Crusade for Christ where he met his wife, Tracie, a corn-fed farmer's daughter from northwest Iowa. Tracie is descended from Swedish immigrants and grew up in Meriden Evangelical Free Church. Woody and Tracie traveled the West Coast as vocalists in a Campus Crusade for Christ music group called The Great Commission Company. Woody left Crusade staff in 1980 for Dallas Theological Seminary where he earned the Master of Theology (ThM) in Pastoral Ministries. After seminary, Woody pastored churches in Iowa, Texas, California, and New Jersey (two of these churches were in the EFCA). He earned his doctorate in preaching under the legendary teacher of preachers, Haddon Robinson at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Woody enjoys teaching and preaching to pastors in Romania, Finland, Sweden, and the U.S. Tracie and he cherish their three adult children and two granddaughters. In 2017, Woody joined the staff of Interim Pastor Ministries (IPM), a ministry that began within the EFCA but has now served churches and denominations in all 50 states and several foreign countries. His great joy is to help churches solve problems and find Pastor Next. He enjoys golf, guitar, lifting weights, and might very well try mountain biking.