

Sunday Worship Services @ 9am & 10:30am, . We are located @ 1591 Forest Hills Blvd, Bella Vista, AR 72715 Contact us: 479-876-5764, frontoffice@vbcbv.org

Discipleship through Bible Study & Community

We grow better together.  That's why VBC emphasizes our Discipleship Pathway to live, love, serve, & become more like Jesus.  
There are a variety of Life Groups, Discovery Bible Study Groups, and D-Groups as well as Sunday morning Bible studies available for everyone.  To get connected, reach out to us at frontoffice@vbcbv.org & tell us you want to get connected.
-Bible Studies: VBC shares an Annual Bible Reading Plan, used by the congregation and provides opportunities for discipleship through participation in a variety of Discovery Bible Study Groups, and D-Groups as well as Bible Study classes.

  • Kids & Youth Ministry                    
  • Adult Discipleship
  • Library on-site
  • Discovery Bible Study
  • D-Group (Discipleship)
  • Bible Teaching
  • LifeGroups
    Over 70% of VBC meet regularly as LifeGroups (small groups gathering in homes, coffee shops, or in the church's facility for community & encouragement).  

Welcome Home - New Members Class

At Village Bible Church, we encourage everyone to get to know VBC better by attending a 4-week class that we call "Welcome Home!". 

Spiritual Gifts Class

At Village Bible Church, we encourage everyone to get involved and to use their spiritual gifts, both inside and outside of the walls of our church building.  If you have any questions or would like to discover what your spiritual gifts are, we can help you to discover how God has uniquely wired you to serve!

For more information contact the church office at frontoffice@vbcbv.org or call 479.876.5764

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